JR-EDICT (Japanese-Russian electronic dictionary) release #7: |
JR-EDICT 08JUN05 V05-001R |
Many programs allow to lookup both japanese and russian parts of entries, so those dictionary files can be used as Russian-Japanese dictionary as well.
You can also find those files on JARDIC download page (russian / english) and at Monash Nihongo FTP Archive and it's mirrors. However, files at those pages could be older, than those posted here - do check version number in first entry in file. WWWJDIC servers sometimes have a yet unreleased C-version, that is newer than current R-version and may contain more words than version available for download. Try looking up four double-with question marks in WWWJDIC to check what version it uses.
If you just want to quickly lookup some words without downloading files, online lookup is available through WWWJDIC interface.